NSI Approved Company Case Study

NSI Approved Company Case Study 12296

We are delighted to be featured on the NSI website, showcasing our skills and capabilities as an approved company.

The National Security Inspectorate (NSI) is the UK’s most highly trusted and respected, independent, UKAS-accredited certification body in the security and fire safety sectors.  Their mission is to secure the highest standards of safety and security for buyers of commercial fire and security systems, guarding and security services, through independent, third party audit and certification in the UK.

The case study covers the following topics:

  • Our main drivers for gaining and maintaining NSI certification
  • What benefits NSI has brought to the business
  • How NSI certification has benefited our customers
  • What preparation we undertake as a team in advance of NSI audits
  • Our opinion on the industry’s key challenges and opportunities

To read to full article, please visit – ACEDA – NSI

To find out more about our Security Services, please contact a member of our customer services team on 03300 554218.

NSI Approved Company Case Study

NSI Approved Company Case Study 12296

We are delighted to be featured on the NSI website, showcasing our skills and capabilities as an approved company.

The National Security Inspectorate (NSI) is the UK’s most highly trusted and respected, independent, UKAS-accredited certification body in the security and fire safety sectors.  Their mission is to secure the highest standards of safety and security for buyers of commercial fire and security systems, guarding and security services, through independent, third party audit and certification in the UK.

The case study covers the following topics:

  • Our main drivers for gaining and maintaining NSI certification
  • What benefits NSI has brought to the business
  • How NSI certification has benefited our customers
  • What preparation we undertake as a team in advance of NSI audits
  • Our opinion on the industry’s key challenges and opportunities

To read to full article, please visit – ACEDA – NSI

To find out more about our Security Services, please contact a member of our customer services team on 03300 554218.